
Primary color chart wheel
Primary color chart wheel

The fashion color wheel is based on color theory and provides a visual representation of how colors relate to one another. What is the relationship between the fashion color wheel and color theory? As a wearer, you must be able to feel comfortable in the colors of your clothes and let them speak about you. Refer to the steps above to know the best color combinations for dresses that suit females. Furthermore, if coral lipstick shades suit you better, you have a warm skin undertone, and if strawberry shades look good on you, your skin has a cool undertone. Green veins equal a warm undertone and blue veins equal a cool undertone. One way to find out which colors suit to better is to look at your veins. Personal stylist Paola Farina says, “When in doubt, find a professional for a color analysis. It is important to know how to mix and match colors for your outfits to bring out your personality better.

primary color chart wheel primary color chart wheel

Certainly, the fashion color wheel has opened the eyes of many and made them see the significance of colors and their combination in clothes.

primary color chart wheel

It indeed is an art and requires thoughtful efforts. Dressing up is not just about throwing random pieces of clothing onto the body.

Primary color chart wheel