Next, I'm going to add an additional method, it's going to be called fast withdraw. Set initial default value for fast cash amount. Next, I'm going to update the constructor for the BankAccount class to set an initial default value for the fast cash amount, this.fastCashAmount equals 60.

It's going to represent a fixed amount for quick withdrawals. I'm going to add an additional instance variable here, it's going to be called fastCashAmount, and it's a double. I'm going to open up the BankAccount class, Banking project, source folder, banking package, BankAccount class. Before we add unit testing files, let's go ahead and make some updates to the BankAccount class. We had a Bank class which represented a bank, a Customer class which represented a customer, and a BankAccount class which represented a bank account for customer. If you recall, our Banking project had three classes.

Let's unit test our previous Banking project.